Saturday, November 05, 2005

Possible Reunion

Iowa City West Class of '98 and others who find themselves here randomly,

I suppose it falls upon me as our former class president to do something. Anything really. And that something I choose to do is make an announcement about a possible class reunion.

I always thought I would be too cool to attend a class reunion, let alone be proactive enough to make an announcement about one, but then I realized that I reached the apex of my social and intellectual life somewhere in the middle of my junior year at West and now I will do anything it takes to get that feeling back, if only for a night.

So, even if you were too cool to come to school when we were supposed to, you still have a chance to do something to make yourself feel better about that sometime in the near future. I mean, whats not to like? A reunion allows you to see the same people with whom you spent your awkward pubescent years with the kind of hindsight that allows you to make fun of the people who used to make fun of you. You can all start with me. I can guarantee you I will be fatter and more hairy than I was in school. Not that thats especially difficult, since I weighed about a buck twenty and had about as much body hair as a 4th grader.

Im not sure when people have class reunions - like, if they are in the summer or over the winter holidays - but Im sure we can do whatever we want, if anything. Probably not this year. Maybe not even next summer, but I think it might be fitting to have it in an irregular year. My email address is posted below my name. Let me know if youre interested. And feel free to hit me up with ideas as to when, where, and how we can pull off a class reunion. Let me just say right now that it will NOT be at the Sports Column.

-Matt Morriss