Monday, August 25, 2008

WHS '98 Reunion - The Final Word

The flooding over the summer and a UI home football game this Saturday have required some modification of the reunion plans. The date (this coming Saturday) and times are generally the same, but the locations have changed a little...

Saturday, August 30, Noon to 5 p.m. - BYO-everything picnic/general gathering in Upper City Park at shelters number 2 and 3. These are the shelters closest to the swimming pool. No alcohol in City Park. There are grills and covered tables at both shelters.

Saturday, August 30, 8 p.m. to close - The best of I.C.'s now-entirely-smoke-free nightlife. Since it is a football weekend, most places will be pretty packed, so it will be tough for everyone to gather in one place. I wanted to rent the upstairs of the Airliner for a few hours, but they wanted to charge me hundreds of dollars an hour for it, so F that. I propose a bar crawl of sorts up Washington St. and Iowa Ave. I have picked a few places that might be less crowded and that might be able to accommodate most, if not all, of the people who show up.

8 p.m. The Picador (formerly Gabe's) at 330 E. Washington St. Music upstairs; primary alcohol ingestion station downstairs; tables outside in the back.

9 p.m. The Industry (formerly the Que Bar) at 211 Iowa Ave. They now have a stage where the pool tables used to be. The upstairs also contains a bar. There is some sort of funk night this Saturday.

10 p.m. The cluster of bars at Dubuque St. and Iowa Ave.: The Deadwood, Dublin Underground, and, yes, even the Sports Column for the bravest among us.

11 p.m. Joe's Place. Since I see about twenty WHS '98 grads there every time I walk in, it seems the logical choice for our ultimate gathering point.

So, there it is. Our class reunion. Magnificent.

I won't be getting into town until 1:30 or 2pm on Saturday, so can I get a few volunteers to get to City Park a little early and perhaps make a couple signs for both the Lower and Upper City Park entrances to point people in the right direction? I'd appreciate it.


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